When I was two
They called me baby
When I turned to eight
They still called me baby
When I was fifteen
They say I am young
I looked in mirror
I hardly saw youth
My face was small
No sign of youth
I wanted to be young
But how can I be
I wanted to be a sizzling beauty
I wanted my hair to grow
I wanted to be fair-skinned
I wanted to be glitzy
I hurried to the beauty parlour
They created the beauty in me
When I opened my eyes
I was baffled to see me
On my way home
I felt so happy
My beauty was overwhelming
Until the car appeared
I was on a bed
I hardly see anything
I started to cry
When my eyes lost the sight
My beauty has evaporated
My eyes lost the vision
Accident gave me light
And my youth back
Youth is the power
To change ourselves
Appearance is not the matter
Mind is the tool
Being an industrious
Being an upbeat
Being a brainbox
Enlighten our youth
Beaming from ear to ear
Having a bleeding heart
Are the cornerstones of
The young harbingers
By Leo Sandupama Edirisinghe