Me, the sweetheart of the Fallen Spring
Captivated to thy light
While my heart murmured,
“Marvellous is the summer too.”
I saw the twinkling stars
In thy humble slaves of leaves,
When the West-Wind, the Messenger
Commanded to bow thee with his soothing touch.
I took pride in thee
While the autumn leaves,
Sparkled in front of me golden
When thou flashed thy light
Onto them, the broken old miseries.
O’ the Summer Master,
I owe thee plethora of love
For now thou light my soul to empower,
Making my eyes glitter with an ineffable determination,
For now thou adorn myself with thy bright might
And glance at me while I’m enjoying
“The Awakening Spirit”,
That I long longed for!
Leo Nuzha Farook